2008年2月26日 星期二

.NET Regular Expressions

Regular expression, in short, is a way to describe and identify patterns within text. It could be used in text search, pattern matching, text replacement, ...etc. We could imagine regular expression as the partial metadata of text.

Regular expression comes with a set of symbols and rules in order to describe text patterns. For example, [0-9] is used to describe any digit, while [^0-9] is used to describe any non-numeric character. Here are some rules we can use in regular expressions. (Please note that these are just grammars for regular expressions. We will see the actual applications latter.)

Pattern Description
\ Escapes special characters to literal and literal characters to special.

E.g: /\(s\)/ matches '(s)' while /(\s)/ matches any whitespace and captures the match.
{n}, {n,}, {n,m}, *, +, ? Quantifiers match the preceding subpattern a certain number of characters. The subpattern can be a single character, an escape sequence, a pattern enclosed by parentheses or a character set.

{n} matches exactly n times.
{n,} matches n or more times.
{n,m} matches n to m times.
* is short for {0,}. Matches zero or more times.
+ is short for {1,}. Matches one or more times.
? is short for {0,1}. Matches zero or one time.

E.g: /o{1,3}/ matches 'oo' in "tooth" and 'o' in "nose".
Pattern delimiters
(pattern), (?:pattern) Matches entire contained pattern.

(pattern) captures match.
(?:pattern) doesn't capture match

E.g: /(d).\1/ matches and captures 'dad' in "abcdadef" while /(?:.d){2}/ matches but doesn't capture 'cdad'.

Note: (?:pattern) is very badly supported in older browsers.
(?=pattern), (?!pattern) A lookahead matches only if the preceeding subexpression is followed by the pattern, but the pattern is not part of the match. The subexpression is the part of the regular expression which will be matched.

(?=pattern) matches only if there is a following pattern in input.
(?!pattern) matches only if there is not a following pattern in input.

E.g: /Win(?=98)/ matches 'Win' only if 'Win' is followed by '98'.

Note: Support for lookaheads is lacking in most but the newest browsers.
Alternation matches content on either side of the alternation character.

E.g: /(ab)a/ matches 'aa' in "dseaas" and 'ba' in "acbab".
Character sets
[characters], [^characters] Matches any of the contained characters. A range of characters may be defined by using a hyphen.

[characters] matches any of the contained characters.
[^characters] negates the character set and matches all but the contained characters

E.g: /[abcd]/ matches any of the characters 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' and may be abbreviated to /[a-d]/. Ranges must be in ascending order, otherwise they will throw an error. (E.g: /[d-a]/ will throw an error.)
/[^0-9]/ matches all characters but digits.

Note: Most special characters are automatically escaped to their literal meaning in character sets.
Special characters
^, $, ., ? and all the highlighted characters above in the table. Special characters mean characters that match something else than what they appear as.

^ matches beginning of input (or new line with m flag).
$ matches end of input (or end of line with m flag).
. matches any character except a newline.
? directly following a quantifier makes the quantifier non-greedy (makes it match minimum instead of maximum of the interval defined).

E.g: /(.)*?/ matches nothing or '' in all strings.

Note: Non-greedy matches are not supported in older browsers such as Netscape Navigator 4 or Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0.
Literal characters
All characters except those with special meaning. Mapped directly to the corresponding character.

E.g: /a/ matches 'a' in "Any ancestor".
\n Backreferences are references to the same thing as a previously captured match. n is a positive nonzero integer telling the browser which captured match to reference to.

/(\S)\1(\1)+/g matches all occurrences of three equal non-whitespace characters following each other.
/<(\S+).*>(.*)<\/\1>/ matches any tag.

E.g: /<(\S+).*>(.*)<\/\1>/ matches '<div id="me">text</div>' in "text<div id=\"me\">text</div>text".
Character Escapes
\f, \r, \n, \t, \v, \0, [\b], \s, \S, \w, \W, \d, \D, \b, \B, \cX, \xhh, \uhhhh \f matches form-feed.
\r matches carrriage return.
\n matches linefeed.
\t matches horizontal tab.
\v matches vertical tab.
\0 matches NUL character.
[\b] matches backspace.
\s matches whitespace (short for [\f\n\r\t\v\u00A0\u2028\u2029]).
\S matches anything but a whitespace (short for [^\f\n\r\t\v\u00A0\u2028\u2029]).
\w matches any alphanumerical character (word characters) including underscore (short for [a-zA-Z0-9_]).
\W matches any non-word characters (short for [^a-zA-Z0-9_]).
\d matches any digit (short for [0-9]).
\D matches any non-digit (short for [^0-9]).
\b matches a word boundary (the position between a word and a space).
\B matches a non-word boundary (short for [^\b]).
\cX matches a control character. E.g: \cm matches control-M.
\xhh matches the character with two characters of hexadecimal code hh.
\uhhhh matches the Unicode character with four characters of hexadecimal code hhhh.

Regular expressions can be used with javascript, or in our case, .NET. Since regular expression does nothing more than describing certain patterns, it has to be used with available functions in order to be put to practices. Such functions can perform tasks on strings, replacing a pattern with another, or detect certain patterns to ensure correct input format...etc. See below for a list of available functions.

Description Example
Applies the RegExp to the given string, and returns the match information. var match = /s(amp)le/i.exec("Sample text")

match then contains ["Sample","amp"]
Tests if the given string matches the Regexp, and returns true if matching, false if not. var match = /sample/.test("Sample text")

match then contains false
Matches given string with the RegExp. With g flag returns an array containing the matches, without g flag returns just the first match or if no match is found returns null. var str = "Watch out for the rock!".match(/r?or?/g)

str then contains ["o","or","ro"]
Matches RegExp with string and returns the index of the beginning of the match if found, -1 if not. var ndx = "Watch out for the rock!".search(/for/)

ndx then contains 10
Replaces matches with the given string, and returns the edited string. var str = "Liorean said: My name is Liorean!".replace(/Liorean/g,'Big Fat Dork')

str then contains "Big Fat Dork said: My name is Big Fat Dork!"
Cuts a string into an array, making cuts at matches. var str = "I am confused".split(/\s/g)

str then contains ["I","am","confused"]

Here is an actual example using regular expression. In this example, we try to retrieve all 6-digit employee #'s inside parenthesis, exclude parenthesis and saperate employee #'s by comma. Therefore we try to match the string with a a pattern containing anything but series of 6-digit numbers inside parenthesis and commas, and delete everything else except for those matching the pattern.

A sample input will be like: 三趨一(526274),三趨二(526275),三趨三(526279)

The regular expression is: ([^0-9,])*(?=[0-9]{6})\)

We first specify a 6-digit number by [0-9]{6}; [0-9], as we say before, matches a digit, while {6} means matching of the pattern 6 times. (?=[0-9]{6}) indicates a pattern matches only when it's followed by a 6-digit number. ([^0-9,])* represents any number of characters excluding numeric digits and commas. These two combined, it means any number of characters excluding numeric digits and commas followed by a 6-digit number. \) matches a single right parenthesis, and means the "or" operation. Hence the whole regular expression means any number of characters excluding numeric digits and commas followed by a 6-digit number, or a single right parenthesis.

The idea to delete everything matching the pattern, which will leave us only 6-digit numbers and commas, is to replace the pattern with empty strings.

The complete code looks like:

Regex.Replace("三趨一(526274),三趨二(526275),三趨三(526279)", @"([^0-9,])*(?=[0-9]{6})\)", "");

For those who are interested in regular expression with javascript, check out the following websites.


